November 22, 1943
November 26, 1943


 November 1943


Again this night William was detailed to Frankfurt for his third operation over Germany

Now on the JN974 EY-M.


262 aircraft - 236 Halifaxes and 26 Lancasters - of No's 4, 6 and 8 Groups to Frankfurt.

As on the previous night, there were no major diversions and the bomber force took a relatively direct route to the target.   

The German controller did not know whether Mannheim or Frankfurt was the real objective but he eventually chose Frankfurt, where the flak was restricted to 15,000 ft.

12 bombers - 11 Halifaxes and 1 Lancaster were lost.


3 Mosquitos to Berlin, 48 aircraft mine laying off Brest and Texel and in the Frisians, 28 OTU sorties. 1 Stirling mine layer lost.

 No.78 Squadron

19 aircraft detailed for operation, Target: Frankfurt.

For this raid the JD373, LW235, JD173, LW226, LW235 (second entry), LW313, LW300, JP118,  LW288, LW331, JN974, JP117, LW330,  JP120 (with Rear-gunner Sgt. L. Nuggent), LW338, LW318, HR748, LW237 and LW230 were filed up with fuel and prepared for this operation by there ground crew.


This time the LW338 from P/O T.Smith was the first one to airborne at 23:21 hour and the HR748 closed the line at 00:02 hour.

All planes attacked and bombed the target and returned safely to there home base after a flight of 7 ½ hour


no aircrafts of no.78 Squadron were lost in this operation.

Halifax MKII
Raid over Frankfurt


Handley Page Halifax BII


 JN974 EY-M


Today the JN974 EY-M was made ready to be flown by F/O Harry Hudson and his crew.
At 23:52 hour they were the 16th in the row just after the JD373 to go airborne and make there way to Frankfurt. 3 hours later the Pilot made his turn so the bomb-aimer could get a good fix on the markers. Target was attacked and bombed from height of 19.000 ft at 02:50 hour. being identified by red and green TI markers on red TI. Bombed as timed position where Red TI markers disappeared two minutes before. Few fires seen through break in the clouds, but glow of believed of large fires on cloud. Few results observed owing to clouds.

JN974 was one of five No.78 Sqdn Halifaxes lost on the operation of 20 December 1943.

November  25th 1943

 Target Frankfurt


 23:52 hour, Breighton Yorkshire.


 Bombing on:

 19.000ft at 02:50 hour.


 07:29 hour, Breighton Yorkshire.





 Crew JN974  EY-M

F/O Hudson, H.


 F/O Robertson, W.J.


 P/O Uyen, William


 Sgt. Monks, H.


 Sgt. Hillas, J.



 P/O Lane, Jack




 Sgt. Morris, J.



William Uyen
November 18, 1943           HisStory during the Air-battle of Berlin           March 31, 1944
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