March 30, 1944
Result of Investigation and Findings
December 13,  1946

Results of investigation and findings
From:...................................................3MREU BAFO No 14 section

To:........................................................Headquarters no 3MREU

Our reference:......................................14MRES/X412

Name of search officer:........................F/Lt F.P. Weiser


Aircraft type and serial number:..........Not known

Date reported missing:........................31.3.44

place of crash, with map reference:....ALLENDORF G9049

place of burial:....................................sea result of investigation
Having found out from documents at MARBURG ( G7347) that an allied aircraft crashed at allendorf, I proceed to the village to investigate. The former buergermeister MARTIN stated that there were two crashes that night, one in the above location, and a further one at ERKSDORF (G9152) about 15 minutes later. Our 14MRES/X411 deals with the Erksdorf crash. The aircraft that was crashed at Allendorf was believed to be a four engined British bomber, and was shot down by night fighters. It approached the village from the west already on fire, circled and crashed. The crew was badly burned mutilated, so so that there exact number could not be ascertained. Martin believes that there may have been seven or more members although the were buried in six coffins. As the were fully dressed exhumation may yield further clues. All other means of identification and the wreckage were removed by the military to GIESSEN (G6721) but Martin distinctly remembers that constable BODE, now residing in FRANKFURT (M6868) told him that one of the members was called NELSON. One man was caught trying to evade, and was eventually taken to MARBURG hospital, he may be a survivor of either this or the Erksdorf crash. Inquiries about his identity are being made through medical records.

•  The casualties were buried by the local Lutherian minister and Martin. No members of the German Army were present. As in all cases in the Marburg district the graves are well looked after. There is a plain wooden cross inscribed “Hier ruhen 6 unbekannte Englische Flieger – Maerz 1944”.

•  Please state if the crew and aircraft can be identified from the above information, an send further instructions regarding exhumation if considered necessary.
Book of

William Uyen
November 18, 1943           HisStory during the Air-battle of Berlin           March 31, 1944
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