November 25 1943
December 3, 1943


 November 1943


And this night William was detailed to Stuttgart for his fourth operation over Germany and again on the JN974 EY-M.


443 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos to Berlin and Stuttgart (diversion). Both forces flew a  common route over Northern France and on nearly to Frankfurt before diverging.

The German controllers thought that Frankfurt was the main target until a late stage and  several bombers were shot down as they flew past Frankfurt.

Only a few fighters appeared over Berlin, where flak was the main danger.

19 Stirlings and 14 Wellingtons mine laying off Texel and in the Frisians, 5 OTU sorties.

The diversionary raid on Stuttgart was carried out by 157 Halifaxes and 21 Lancasters.

6 Halifaxes were lost. The bombing was very scattered and caused little damage but part of the night-fighter force was drawn off from the Berlin operation.

 No.78 Squadron

This morning the JD373 (with Pilot R Shard), LW313,  LW324, LW300, JP118, LW288 (with M/U W. Iddon), LW331, JN974, JP117, JP120 (with R/G L. Nugent),  LW338, LW318, LW271, LW237, JP126, LW234 and LW230 were made ready for take of by the ground crew.

Sgt. J. Hillis was this evening replaced by Sgt. R. Carr.

Again William Uyen was one of the crew members today.



no aircrafts of no.78 Squadron were lost in this operation.

Raid over Stuttgart


Handley Page Halifax BII


 JN974 EY-M


This time the JN 974 EY-M was the 12th to start his engines at the hard standing and to turn into the perimeter track and slowly made his way to the runway for take of at 16:55 hour.
Target was attacked and bombed at 20:38hour, from a height of 15.000 ft. being identified by river Neckar and by PFF. Bombed cluster of red TI, markers. Very well concentrated white incendiaries and many fires seen.
(JN974 was lost on December 20, 1943 with a different crew).

 Returned early

LW313 EY-U

W/O Watson returned early as it was not possible to reach more than 13,000ft. to climb at 50.25N / 01.15E just before reaching the French coast, where the bombs were safely dropped.

(LW313 crashed during the attack of 20 December 1943).

Returned early


F/S Gunningham's JP126 returned early due to loss of oil pressure at the port inner engine.

At 19:15 hour the bombs were dropped live at an altitude of 10,000ft in position 50:20N / 04:42E in the woods between Cerfontaine and Phillipville in the south of Belgium just below Charleroi.

November 1943


No operations or standby for No.78 Squadron.


No operations or standby for No.78 Squadron.



No operations or standby for No.78 Squadron.



No operations or standby for No.78 Squadron.

December 1943


21 Aircraft detailed for operations, Later cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.



22 Aircraft detailed for operations, Later cancelled due to fog.

 November  26th 1943

 Target Stuttgart


 16:55 hour, Breighton Yorkshire.


 Bombing on:

 15.000ft at 20:38 hour.


 00:55 hour, Breighton Yorkshire.





 Crew JN974  EY-M

F/O Hudson, H.


 F/O Robertson, W.J.


 P/O Uyen, William


 Sgt. Monks, H.


 Sgt. Carr, R.



 P/O Lane, Jack




 Sgt. Morris, J.



William Uyen
November 18, 1943           HisStory during the Air-battle of Berlin           March 31, 1944
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