British Commonwealth Air Training Plan:
Bombing and gunnery school
No.7 Paulson, Manitoba

February 1942


 TOS B&G Paulson Manitoba.


 SOS B&G Paulson Manitoba.

The No.7 Bombing and Gunnery School opened on June 24, 1941 at Paulson, located 13 kilometres east of Dauphin on Highway 20. Because of its proximity, Lake Dauphin was used as a practice bombing target range, where there are still a few visible remains of a once-thriving base.




Air Observers and Navigators


The 1940 programme included training “air observers”, a position that combined the functions of navigator and bomber. Air observers also received training in weapons, so they may help in defending the plane. As crews on heavy bombers became more specialized, air observers as such were replaced by separate navigators and bombers. The need for less-specialized personnel such as navigators-bombers (called “navigators B”) or navigators-wireless operators (or “navigators W”) was met by different combinations of courses.

William Uyen
November 18, 1943           HisStory during the Air-battle of Berlin           March 31, 1944
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Air Observer Schools (AOS) train air observers – and starting in 1942 navigators as well – in the skills required by their functions. The course, which had a duration of 12 weeks in 1940, was expanded to 18 weeks in June 1942; it is followed by a 6-week stay at a Bombing and Gunnery School. The navigator or bomber in training must complete at least 23 hours of flight during which he practices bombing techniques, by dropping 80 bombs at an average distance of 120 yards (110 m) from the target. When they graduate, trainees receive the one-wing badge of air observers, navigators or bombers and are promoted to sergeant.

After a short Training at the Bombing and Gunnery School "Struck off Strenght" signed him of at February the 5th 1942.
and from there he took the train to Debert, Nova Scotia,  to join the Operational Training Unit.
Going to England
Bombing and Gunnery School
Operational Training Unit
Initial Training School
Flying Training School
Elementary Flying Training School
Service Flying Traniing School
Air Observer School