British Commonwealth Air Training Plan:
Service Flying Training School
No.8 Moncton, New Bruswick

September 1942


TOS #8 SFTS Moncton

October 1942


SOS #8 SFTS Moncton

Early in the war, an Anson scored a probable hit on a German U-boat. In June 1940, a flight of three Anson's was attacked by nine Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Bf 109s. Remarkably, the Anson's downed two German aircraft "and damaging a third before the 'dogfight' ended", without losing any of their own. The aircraft's true role, however, was to train pilots for flying multi-engine bombers such as the Avro Lancaster. The Anson was also used to train the other members of a bomber's air crew, such as navigators, wireless operators, bomb aimers and air gunners.
SFTS training in The AVRO Anson "Faitfull Annie"
Administration School

From October the 10th till October 24th William did Admistration School

October 1942


TOS Trenton



SOS Trenton

Bombing and Gunnery School


October 1942


TOS #4 BGS Fingal

December 1942


William is on Leave



SOS #4 BGS Fingal

After Fingal, William transferd to St. Jean to join the Air Observer School.
Mid-upper training
William Uyen
November 18, 1943           HisStory during the Air-battle of Berlin           March 31, 1944
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Going to England
Bombing and Gunnery School
Operational Training Unit
Initial Training School
Flying Training School
Elementary Flying Training School
Service Flying Training School
Air Observer School